HSE Monitoring & Assessments
- Ergonomic Risk Assessment (ERA)
- Chemical Exposure Monitoring
- Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Inspection
- Noise Risk Assessment (NRA)
- Chemical Health Risk Assessments (CHRA)
- Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Control
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
- Noise Boundary
- Stack Monitoring
- Ambient Air

HSE Management Programme by Visit
- Form and maintaining an effective Safety & Health Committee
- Assisting in accident investigations and reporting as per the NADOOPOD Regulations 2004
- Assisting in the development of Safe Operating Procedures
- Assisting in the registration of machineries (PMA & PMT) with DOSH
- Assisting in promoting OSH at the place of work
- Assisting DOSH / BOMBA / DOE during scheduled visits
- Assisting in developing a proper and effective HSE Safety Management System
- Schedule Waste Management
HSE Trainings
- ISO 14001 awareness worker and management
- ISO 45001 awareness for worker and management
- Ergonomic Risk Assessmen
- Accident / Incident Investigation and Reporting
- Effective Safety & Health Committee
- Chemical Safety
- Electrical Safety
- Emergency Response and Preparedness
- Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention
- Forklift Safety
- Machinery Safety & Safe Guarding
- Occupational Safety & Health Management
- Safety Audit & Inspection Technique
- Safety Awareness training for workers
- Understanding the Occupational Safety & Health related Laws

Supply of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE)
- Special Safety Helmet
- Special Safety Vest
- Special Safety Shoes